(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Online Services
Payments / Recreation 

Parks & Recreation


Administration Building
1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ


8:30AM - 4:30PM
Monday - Friday


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Follow us on Instagram @bernardstwp_parksandrec


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Parks & Recreation

 The Bernards Township Parks & Recreation Department is responsible for:

  • providing youth, adult and senior programs for a variety of interests
  • planning annual special events
  • management and reservation of park facilities, including athletic fields
  • operation of the Coakley-Russo Memorial Golf Course and Pleasant Valley Pool
  • coordinating Charter Day

Click on any image below for more details.


Summer Recreation Program and Pool Staff

Program Registration Policies & Procedures

Click Here for a complete listing of all our program registration policies and procedures, including those for our online registration system.

There is no medical insurance coverage included in your registration for any program or membership offered by Bernards Township. By participating, you agree to assume responsibility for payment of any and all medical, doctor or hospital bills resulting from any illness or injury occurring during your participation.

All cancellation requests must be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  All refunds, if applicable, will be processed by check regardless of the original method of payment and are subject to a processing fee.

  • $10 processing fee for refunds of payments $300 or less.
  • $20 processing fee for refunds of payments $301.00 - $700.00
  • $30 processing fee for refunds of payments $700+

Somerset County Park Commission Therapeutic Recreation

The Department of Parks and Recreation has a cooperative agreement with the Somerset County Park Commission's Therapeutic Recreation (TR) Department to provide recreation and leisure opportunities for children and adults who have a developmental disability. The SCPC TR Department is dedicated to providing year round recreation and leisure opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. The goal of the TR Department is to promote an active leisure lifestyle that improves social, physical, cognitive and emotional functioning while enhancing each person's abilities in order for them to become integrated into their community.

Visit https://www.somersetcountyparks.org/therapeutic-recreation to learn more.