Township Committee
Janice M. Fields
Andrew J. McNally, Esq.
Deputy Mayor
Jennifer L. Asay
Township Committeewoman
Ana Duarte McCarthy
Township Committeewoman
David E. Tancredi
Township Committeeman
NOTICE: Email received by or sent to Township officials is subject to the Open Public Records Act [OPRA]. This means that absent some specific privilege, all such communications are considered a public record and are subject to publication and/or dissemination to the public upon request. Emails received by or sent to individual Township Committee members are shared with all Committee members.
Township Committee & Event Pictures
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Township Committee
Bernards Township operates under the Township form of New Jersey municipal government. The Township Committee is comprised of five members, elected by the public in partisan elections for three-year terms of office on a staggered schedule, with one or two seats coming up for election each year. All members have equal power and may vote on all issues. Township Committee hold all legislative and executive powers of the Township (except in matters of health). At the annual Reorganization meeting held in January, the Mayor is elected by the committee from among its members.
Unless otherwise advertised, Township Committee meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday following the first Monday of each month in the Warren Craft Meeting Room of the Municipal Building, 1 Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Meetings are open to the public 8:00 PM, and are normally proceeded by executive session at 7:30 PM. The executive session portion of the meeting is not opened to the public. Rules of Order are the procedures which guide the conduct of a meeting. The Township Committee follows Roberts Rules of Order. Depending on the item of business, the Governing Body may take action through passage of an Ordinance, Resolution, Motion, or simply a consensus of agreement.
Bernards BLUrbs - Bernards Local Updates
► Episode 1 - Township Emergency and Non-Emergency Notification Sign Up
► Episode 2 - Update on 3 New Safety Tools From BTPD
► Episode 3 - Evaluate your Home with BTPD Home Security Checklist
► Episode 4 - BTPD Proactive Approach to Crime with High Visibility Features on Patrol Vehicles
► Episode 5 - Seamlessly connect to Bernards PD with CityProtect
► Episode 6 - Safe Exchange Zone at the BT Police Department
► Episode 8 - Mayor Asay, Sergeant Baldassare, and Chief Burger share Warm Weather Safety Tips!
► Episode 9 - Mayor Asay shares Opportunities for Small Business Owners! Visit
► Episode 10 - Mayor Asay provides details about solicitor’s licenses in Bernards!
Frequently Asked Questions
The agenda is published approximately 48 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda is posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and on the Township web page bulletin board. You can also call the Municipal Clerk at 908-204-3001.
Upcoming Meetings