(908) 766-2510

1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Online Services
Payments / Recreation 



Administration Building
1 Collyer Lane
Basking Ridge, NJ


8:30AM - 4:30PM
Monday - Friday


Township Administrator/ COO
(908) 204-4612
Assistant HR Manager/Administrative Coordinator
(908) 204-3011
IT Manager
(908) 204-3010
IT Technician
(908) 204-3037



The Department of Administration's mission is to ensure an appropriate balance between resources, human and financial, in order to consistently deliver the right services at the right cost, ensuring that the municipal staff offers and delivers services with efficiency and effectiveness.

Our Administrative support will include the provision of technology, structured records management, consistent and fair personnel policies and open channels of communication.

The Township Administrator/Chief Operating Officer is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township and is responsible for the administration of Township affairs and for implementing policies established by the Township Committee.                                                                  

The Township Administrator/ Chief Operating Officer is responsible for:

  • Implementing the Policies of the Township Committee
  • Supervising and Coordinating the Work of all Township Departments
  • Public Relations
  • Personnel and Personnel Policies
  • Implement and Enforce Administrative Procedures
  • Contract Negotiations