Pill Hill Recycling Center
Property Owners with the following Bernards Township Tax Codes, 2, 3A & 4C, may obtain the Pill Hill Electronic Permit Card for use at the Pill Hill Recycling Center.
The permits will be issued Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM, at the Bernards Township Public Works Office located at 277 South Maple Ave, Basking Ridge. Proof of ownership must be presented at the time the permit is obtained.
Permit Cards are linked to the property owners block and lot and will be automatically renewed in January. Permit Cards will be automatically voided once the property is sold.
Permit Cards may be issued to renters upon proof the property owner authorized such transmittal, call Department of Public Works Office @ 908-204-3084 for specifics.
Only one permit card will be issued per Block & Lot, no exceptions.
Pill Hill Recycling Center is located at 150 Pill Hill Rd and is open on the weekend only.
All residents must possess and present their permit card to enter the facility. No commercial vehicles will be allowed except those owned by the resident. Vehicles larger than a pickup are not allowed nor are commercial vehicles. (Exception: A commercial vehicle registered in the name and address of a private resident for their personal use; no commercial usage.)
The permit card is loaded with four (4) credits per calendar year to dispose of Bulky Household Waste. Examples of Bulky Waste are; furniture, mattresses, box springs, carpeting and padding. The minimum number of credits charged for a visit will be one. A sample schedule follows:
A. Car or Station Wagon = One Credit Used
B. MiniVan, Small Trailer = Two Credits Used
C. Small Pickup = Two Credits Used
D. Full Size Pickups = Four Credits Used
Partial credits may be charged for B, C or D above if, in the determination of the gate attendant, the material delivered constitutes half or less of the capacity of the vehicle (i.e. a half full pickup may be charged two credits instead of four based upon the attendant's estimate).
No credits are charged for the following goods:
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum & non-ferrous scrap
- Leaves, brush, wood waste
- Computer, high grade white and mixed office paper
- Corrugated cardboard
- Glass containers
- Heavy iron
- Newsprint
- Plastic containers such as soda bottles
- Tires ($5 charge, $10 with rim)
- White goods & light iron
- Computers and Electronics
- TV’s ($16.00 charge has been waived until further notice)
Auto & light truck tires without rims will be accepted at a cost of $5 per tire; any tire with a rim will cost $10. No heavy truck or equipment tires will be accepted.
Additional credits may be purchased at the Pill Hill Facility. Current cost is $60 per credit.
Lost cards will be replaced on a fee basis of $20.00. Payment must be made by check to Bernards Township.